terça-feira, abril 07, 2009

dá para sonhar..

I'm in love with the football club
At the age of 7 my father took me
He got me hooked into this game
I'm a member of an ape like race in the final days of the 20th century
When we dont win I go insane

Goal, Goal, Goal, Goal, Goal (James)


Blogger pedro said...

ou não..

quinta abr. 16, 03:07:00 da tarde  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

how does it feel being APE&INSANE?


P.S: ate EU, membro acidental duma familia de simios vi o jogo pah.... once gatuno, YET not always a winner ;)

Ja chegaste, pah???


Filha-de-benfiquista-ex-sogro vingado-até-à-proxima-derrota

sexta abr. 17, 04:55:00 da tarde  

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