terça-feira, julho 19, 2005

Invisible Cloak

(Um dos meus momentos predilectos de cinema.. É sempre delicioso quando nos conseguimos rever, ou neste caso, prever, numa tela de cinema..)

How is it going?


They didn’t scare you did they? I hate Monsters..

There’s no such thing as monster daddy…

Oh..I see the thing..

I heard a bang..

Like a truck bang?

Like a gun..

That’s funny.. Because we moved out that bad neighborhood because there were too many guns around there..

How far can bullets go?

They go pretty far..But they usually get stuck in something and stop..

What if they don’t?

You’re thinking about that bullet that came trough your window? You think we should move again?

I like here daddy..

Me too..But if that bullet found out where we lived..Oh..HOLD on,…

What daddy?

Oh..So stupid, how could I forget it?


Na..Forget it..you ain’t gonna believe me..

Tell me..

Ok..When I was five, this fairy came into my room one night..


See..I told you ain’t gonna believe me..ok, go to sleep now you little rat!

No, no daddy..tell me…

Ok..So, this fairy comes into my room, and I’m like “ yeah, you’re a fairy..” And she is flying all around the room, knocking all my posters and stuff!

She was flying???

Yeah, but she had that stubby wings you know.. She could have glued them on you know?..Like I’m gonna believe she’s a fairy.. So she said “I’ll prove it”
So, she reaches into a backpack, she pulls out this invisible cloak, she tights it on my neck, and she tells me it’s impenetrable.. You know what impenetrable is? Means that nothing goes trough it..No bullets, nothing .. She told me that if I wore it, nothing would hurt me, so I did! And my whole life..I never get shot stabbed, nothing..
I mean..how weird is that? Oh and she told me that I was suppose to give it to my daughter on her fifth birthday, and I forgot!

Can I take it?

Sure you can..

I don’t feel it dady..

Yeah..It’s pretty cool hein? If you want to, I can take it off and tight it on your sholders..she told me how to do it.. But if you think it is stupid then..

Don’t you need it??

No, not anymore..

Don't Worry daddy..I'll protect you..


Blogger tixa said...

:)... vai ficar sempre comigo.

quarta jul. 20, 11:20:00 da manhã  

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